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East Barnby 2023 Parents Information

Following a well attended Parent's Meeting on Tuesday, Year 3 pupils have now received information regarding their visit to East Barnby in October 2023.

We have put together slightly different information for parents and carers based on feedback about what will help. We will add to this page until the visit.

Top Tips 

These are our top tips about preparing children for the outdoor education visit to East Barnby: 
  • Talk about the visit with the whole family well before the visit.
  • Give as many opportunities as possible for children to practise choosing what they wear for activities, particularly those that are outdoors. They will be supported to make these choices.
  • Don't be afraid to explain that most outdoor learning experiences will be new to everyone, even those children who regularly take part in adventurous pastimes. 
  • If there are any worries or questions, contact school. Mr Davidson will be happy to answer them.
  • When the medical forms are sent out in September, please give as much up-to-date information as possible. 
  • Be specific about any dietary needs. This is not just allergies. What will your child eat?
  • If there are any concerns about sleeping or toileting, please let us know, however minor.

We can plan for almost anything, if we and East Barnby know about it in advance. We want children to have the most positive experience possible for the full two and a half days of the visit. We welcome any questions or information about eating sleeping or toileting. There will be very few questions we have not been asked before. We aim to meet the needs of every individual.

Finally contact us if you have any questions about payment. Mr Davidson and Mrs Price will be able to give advice.

Mr Davidson's presentation from Tuesday evening can be viewed by clicking the image below.


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Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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